Published onto AAPOD² on 2018-08-29!

Seagull Nebula
Seagull Nebula, IC 2177, is an HII region near Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky.
2018-01-20 – 2018-01-21 (AWST, GMT+8:00), Badgingarra, Western Australia
- CCD: QHYCCD QHY16200A (-20°C)
- Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106ED F3RD (d=106mm, fl=320mm, f/3.0)
- Filter: L, R, G, B, Ha
- Mount: CRUX-170HD with Titan TCS, QHYOAG-M+QHY5L-II, PHD2 autoguided
- Exposure
- L: 300s * 9
- R: 300s * 5
- G: 300s * 5
- B: 300s * 5
- Ha: 600s * 5
(Total integration 170min)
- Processing: PixInsight 1.8.5, Adobe Photoshop CC 2017